[5-Bullet Tuesday] When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time?

Hi All,

Here’s your weekly dose of “5-Bullet Tuesday”, list of things I’m enjoying or pondering.

Where I’m visiting-

Last week, some colleagues were over from London. They were here on a flying visit but we wanted to show them around at least a bit. So, on Wednesday evening, we took them to visit the Akshardham temple. If you have visitors from abroad, you must take them to such a place, to give them a taste of the rich past of India not only in terms of spirituality, but also art, culture and science. At the temple, there are quite a lot of things to do: an exhibition which takes you through the life and times of Swaminarayan, in the form of story and life sized robotic models. 

They also show a movie, which we skipped due to paucity of time. Then, there is this Cultural boat ride, Anskruti Darshan, which was like sailing through thousands of years of rich Indian history – We saw the Vedic era, the oldest university and the doctor’s prowess in surgery a thousand years ago! This 12 minute boat ride presents our contributions to the world and will make every Indian feel proud.

Last but not least was the Multimedia Water Show, which was breathtaking. However, since it was an extremely chilly winter evening, it was pretty hard to sit through the entire show. Thankfully, there was coffee being sold which made it slightly better. If you plan to go in this weather, make sure you are carrying enough woolens.

What I’m eating-

After the visit to the temple, we went to Pandara Road to eat at the famous Gulati restaurant. However, I was surprised that even on a weekday, Gulati had so many guests waiting outside, and there was a waiting for one hour. 

Truth be told, I’ve never been able to make it to Gulati although I’m a thorough Delhi’ite, and like always, we had to settle for the nearby Pindi Restaurant, which isn’t bad either, just that it’s famous as a second choice after Gulati.

Finally, we headed to Connought Place and that’s where we all tried something new for the first time in our life – the newly invented Fire Paan. That was quite an audacious move of the week. The experience was worth it. Watch this video to see for yourself.

Cartoon I’m loving-

This one’s something all the writers and wannabe writers like me (-: would be able to relate with. Found it pretty hilarious because I do often get to hung up on words and phrases. So much so that I remember people by their most used words or phrases. 

Quote I’m pondering-

An Anecdote I loved-

One of my mentors, explained it best when I told him that I sometimes feel like I’m not being valued enough in our club especially by some of the younger lot. 

He said, “Mohit, I go to a swimming pool near my house. I go there because I like swimming! It keeps me healthy. However, the owner of this pool is a bad-mouthed person. He quarrels at the drop of a hat. As a result, many people have stopped coming to this swimming pool. But I still go to this swimming pool because I like swimming! It keeps me healthy. The water is clean too. I just avoid interactions with the owner. That’s it. Stay focused on your Why, Mohit!” 

It is extremely important, as it keeps me going when things get messy and tough. It’s during these difficult times, when most people give up on their goals. Keeping our why in front of us helps us go past this phase to achieve our goals.                    

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