[5-Bullet Tuesday] Transform Yourself

Hi All,

Here’s your weekly dose of “5-Bullet Tuesday”, list of things I’m enjoying or pondering.

What am I looking forward to —

I’m looking forward to conducting a two day life skills workshop for school students. In fact, I am getting quite a few speaking gigs these days, something I always dreamt of. It gives me such a kick because until a few years back, just thinking of speaking in front of an audience used to give me chills.

Quote’s’ I’m pondering —

These quotes helped me the most in my transformational journey:

Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.” – Robin Sharma

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

Clarity comes with action.” – Jeff Goins

If you confuse, you lose.” – Donald Miller

What I’m watching —

One Mic Stand on Amazon Prime. Imagine becoming a stand-up comedian overnight. The concept is that celebrities like Taapsee Pannu, Vishal Dadlani and every Indian’s English language teacher, Shashi Tharoor are mentored by a well known stand up comedian. After a couple of days of practice, they do their maiden stand up act in front of a live audience. Besides the usual fun and laughter, this program proves that anybody can do anything… all you need is some courage and guidance.

What I’m reading —

Have you ever taught a difficult student? Or been one yourself?

Perhaps the most difficult students ever is Arjuna. I randomly picked this book which had been gathering dust on my shelf for years – The Art of Man Making by Swami Chinmyananda.

The book is written as a series of short, two to three pages, talks from The Bhagwat Geeta. Krishna very delicately handles and lifts the student (Arjuna) into a greater understanding from where he himself must discover the answer to his queries.

A daily learning byte I’m loving —

Want to make more money? Want to learn strategies that work in business. Donald Miller shares a very short 2-3 minutes video daily, it’s indeed a business school in bite-sized chunks! See this one and see for yourself what you’d be missing out if you don’t subscribe – secret to making more money.             

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